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All Thormahlen Harp using Fluorocarbon Strings

Thormahlen uses a combination of packaging.

#1 C string and #23-#29 are the Savarez brand with the gauges specified below. Purchase these through Vanderbilt: orders@vanderbiltmusic.com.

#2 B is the same string as #3 A and these strings down through Middle C (#24 on the package) can be purchased through Lyon & Healy: musicsales@lyonhealy.com

String Chart:
1. C45R red for Serenades, only available in Savarez Alliance packages that say 0 octave
2. B45 Same as #3A for Serenades available in L&H packages that say 1st octave or Savarez packages that say 0 octave.
3. A45 Ceili and Clare start here. L&H or Savarez from here on
4. G45
5. F47B Blue
6. E47 2nd octave on L&H, 1st octave on Savarez Alliance
7. D52
8. C55R Red
9. B55
10. A57
11. G62
12. F66B Blue
13. E66 3rd octave on L&H, 2nd octave on Savarez Alliance
14. D69
15. C74R Red
16. B77
17. A81
18. G86
19. F91B Blue
20. E91 4th octave on L&H, 3rd octave on Savarez Alliance
21. D95
22. C 101R Red MIDDLE C (End Lyon & Healy Packaging here)
23. B 105 Savarez packaging from here down to the bass wires
24. A 108
25. G 121
26. F 127B Blue
27. E 140 fourth octave on the package (normally the fifth octave)
28. D 150
29. C 160R Red Ceili harps before #1323 used Dusty Strings Ravenna bass wire #27C. You can use #160R but your lever may need a regulation for that string.

Bass Wires (North Shore Strings in Massachusetts)
30. B.018/5/.010/SSS
31. A.020/5/.010/SSS             
32. G.020/6/.010/SSS
33. F.020/4/.015/SSS
34. E.022/6/.015/SSS
35. D.024/7/.015/SSS
36. C.024/9/.015/SSS


Thormahlen Harps | 1876 SW Brooklane Corvallis, Oregon 97333 | (541) 753-4334 | harps@thorharp.com